Beginners League
A pairs competition, open to all members with 3 years or less bowls experience (including indoor or junior or for another club). Previous league winners are excluded. Played as a league in an Australian pairs format whereby, the Lead bowls two woods, then changes ends and the partner bowls four woods, then change ends again and bowls the last two woods.
Matches will be arranged and pre-booked on Monday evenings throughout the season, commencing June. Members unable to play on Monday evenings may still enter but will have to arrange their games. Matches may be rearranged at dates convenient to both teams.
Cost: £6 per team of two; closing date 26th May 2024
Depending on the number of entries, there may be more than one league
Each team may use one substitute player who must not be a member of any other team entered in this competition. The substitute player must be a member of Woburn Sands Bowls Club with 3 years or less playing experience. A substitute may play for more than one team.
If both team members are not available to play on the pre-booked date, then please rearrange the fixture. Consult the club rink diary (available via the MEMBERS ONLY) and the FIXTURE list for availability of a rink, book the time and date of the rearranged match and ask Paul Hamer to cancel a rink.
Australian pairs: Take turns in leading, the Leads each bowl two woods, then all change ends and the partners bowl four woods, then change ends again and bowl the last two woods
Toss for Jack, one trial end of all four woods each unless teams agree otherwise
15 ends of play. If the match is interrupted, for example due to inclement weather, at least 10 ends must be played to constitute a match. If a match is continued at a later date then the previous score should be carried forward
All players require chalk and a measure
First named team will keep the scorecard and place in the envelope pinned to the notice board.
3 points for a win, 2 for a draw & 1 for a loss. League results and table will be posted on the notice board and on the website at regular intervals